The Cantina

About me
Well, you probably don't to hear about me so I think I'll just sorta sit here and tell you about something I do. You are almost defintely just a chance wanderer I know that much. You're probably also about to leave, and I assure I'll try to make the rest of this site better than this paragraph you're reading. I'll put some linx to the other pages in my site. Oh, I am really obssessed with the color black so you'll find it on a lot of the backrounds. If you take the link to A diablo site please do not click on the banner on the bottom. Also, the pictures of cindy and pamel were like the only two I could put on there. Thanx.
The starting music What I'm interested in:
  • Computer Gaming
    I like RPG's and Action-Adventures because the always seem to have just the right combination of challenge and fighting, and they usually make you use your brain with a few exceptions.
  • Movies
    I like movies for the same reasons as every one else in the galaxy and known solar system. I like humorous films, and some of the action sequence films, and sci-fi.
My favourite links
You can email me on
[email protected]